Dragon Amateur Radio Club offer a variety of activities on club nights for our members. On the 1st of July 2024 we held an evening where members brought in a variety of antenna analysers to test and compare.

Antenna analysers measure and analyse the performance of antennas. They work by transmitting a signal through the antenna and measuring impedance, standing wave ratio (SWR), return loss, and resonant frequency. These measurements help optimise the performance of antennas, ensuring efficient transmission and reception of RF signals.
Most of the antennae tested using the analysers were VHF/UHF but the principal of use is the same for HF antennae.
We found that some of the antennae tested proved to be beyond the range of some of the analysers thus providing a valuable lesson in their use.
A very enjoyable evening!! Thankfully nobody tried to tune in the Jaffa cakes!!