The Dragon ARC Annual General Meeting 2024

The Dragon ARC Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 2nd December at 19:30. This will be a hybrid meeting where you can choose to join us in person at our usual venue, the Canolfan Esceifiog, Gaerwen, or members will be able to join us by Zoom if they cannot join us in person.

If you have anything you wish to add to the AGENDA, please do let the Secretary know by Monday 18th November.

If you are interested in standing for a position on the committee, please do let either the Secretary of Chairman know, they will also be happy to discuss the roles available and the time commitment required.

To be able to vote at the AGM you need to be a paid up member, if you have not already done so please pay your membership dues to Chairman Danny GW7BZR at his home, or contact our Treasurer to find out how to pay electronically.

Finally, please do your best to attend in person or on Zoom, this is your club and your participation in the AGM is vital to the clubs future success.

Secretary, Simon MW0NWM

Treasurer, Stewart GW0ETF

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